

For simplicity, the alpha_2_code has been added to countries.



Introducing Time Off Endpoints

Added 4 new endpoints for creating, updating, and reading time off entries for employments. These new endpoints and their HTTP methods are as follows:

  • GET /timeoff: Get a list of time off entries for all employments in your company.
  • GET /timeoff/:id: Get the time off entry identified with :id, for an employment in your company.
  • POST /timeoff: Create an approved time off entry for an employment in your company. The employment_id is expected in the request body.
  • PUT or PATCH /timeoff/:id: Update an approved time off entry for an employment in your company. The employment_id is expected in the request body.

Available Time Off Types

Some of these time off endpoints require specifying the type of time off being created/updated. A new endpoint GET /timeoff/types is available to retrieve valid types along with their descriptions.

Customers can find the documentation for these endpoints on this page.



Added a new PUT/PATCH sandbox/employments/:employment_id endpoint for use in the Sandbox. This new endpoint can be used to set the employment status of a newly created employment to active, allowing you to use employments for testing in the Sandbox.

Customers can find the API reference for this endpoint here. Integration partners can find the API reference for this endpoint here.



Updated the Rate Limit Policy section to include explanations and examples of the HTTP headers with Rate Limit status.



Updated the Authentication section to include the OAuth 2 flows.



API Reference documentation 0.1.0 released!