Update a company

Given an ID and a request object with new information, updates a company.

Getting a company and its owner to active status

If you created a company using the
create a company endpoint without all the required
request body parameters, you can use this endpoint to provide the missing data. Once the company
and its owner have all the necessary data, both their statuses will be set to active and the company
onboarding will be marked as "completed".

The following constitutes a company with "all the necessary data":

  • Complete address, with valid address, postal_code, country and state parameters (Varies by country. Use the
    show form schema endpoint to see which address parameters
    are required).
  • Company tax_number or registration_number is not nil
  • Company name is not nil (already required when creating the company)
  • Company has a desired_currency in their bank account (already required when creating the company)
  • Company has accepted terms of service (already required when creating the company)
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!