Offboarding an Employee


In this guide, you will learn how:

  • To create offboardings
  • Confidential requests work
  • Handle paid time off accuracy

Before you get started

Before you get started, ensure that you have already created an employment.

Offboarding requests

An Offboarding Request is created when one of the parties wishes to end the employment contract. If initiated by the employer, it's called a termination request, while if initiated by the employee, it’s called a resignation request.

The Remote API has the capability to create termination requests and show both termination and resignation requests. Read more about the termination process at Remote.

Creating an offboarding

To create an offboarding, you need to send mandatory parameters as:

  • type
  • employment_id
  • termination details to indicate if the request is confidential, itstermination_reason, the proposed_termination_date, and some information regarding the risks related to the termination in risk_assessment_reasons and will_challenge_termination.

Next, some parameters are presented in more detail.


Boolean value indicating whether the termination request is confidential or not. You can read more about confidential requests in the section below.

Employee Awareness

Remote advises not to inform the employee of their termination until we review your request for legal risks. However, if the employee was informed about the termination before creating the request, please include the date and details of when it happened. If the employee wasn't informed, this parameter doesn't need to be present in the request body.

Proposed Termination Date

In most cases, employee needs to be notified before termination. The required notice period depends on local labor laws, the employment agreement, and other factors. Remote will use those factors to determine the required notice period. Please note that we cannot commit to a termination date until we conduct a full review of the information you submit.

Risk Assessment Reasons

Employees may be protected from termination if they fall into certain categories. To help avoid claims from employees, please provide all the possible reasons to let Remote know if the employee is part of one or more of these categories.

Will Challenge Termination

Boolean value that indicates if it’s likely that the employee will challenge their termination.

Will Challenge Termination Description

If it’s likely that the employee will challenge their termination, please provide additional details explaining the risk.

Below is an example request to create a termination:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <your company access token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "type": "termination",
    "employment_id": "223cd6ab-e51a-4a70-a4f8-fc81eec23eae",
    "termination_details": {
        "confidential": true,
        "employee_awareness": {"date": "2023-12-12", "note": "optional text to add details"},
        "reason_description": "detailed description to complement the termination reason",
        "additional_comments": "additional comments regarding the termination reason",
        "proposed_termination_date": "2023-12-20",
        "termination_reason": "workforce_reduction",
        "risk_assessment_reasons": ["pregnant_or_breastfeeding", "family_leave"],
        "will_challenge_termination": true,
        "will_challenge_termination_description": "additional details"

Confidential requests

Confidential requests are visible for who authorized the token or integration. In other words, only the user that created a confidential request can see it. Non-confidential requests are visible to all admins in the company.

Paid time off accuracy

Typically, any vacation pay accrued and unpaid at the time of termination must be paid out to the employee. To avoid overpaying or underpaying, please make sure Remote is given an accurate account of their paid time off by sending the encoded file in the timesheet_file body parameter.

Sending documents

The termination_reason_files and timesheet_file fields are optional when creating an offboarding request and each of them are defined by the file name and the content encoded in base64. The files can be attached to the request; however, it's not yet available for download through the Remote API.

To get the base64-encoded file content via the command line, you can run:

$ base64 -i path/to/file.pdf

And then, add them to the request, as shown in the following example: